Legal Drug Volume 1, Chapter 1
November 26, 2001
Pikkushi Bell, aka Isabel http://pixbell.tripod.com
All rights are reserved to Clamp, Asuka Comics DX, and to whomever else it belongs to. I'm just trying to promote Gohou Drug.
As a warning, I'm only in Level 2 of Japanese Language. I'm doing this partly to improve my Japanese, partly for fun, and partly because I want to help those who know even less than Japanese than I do. Meaning, there are mistakes, and there are some passages I didn't even try to translate. [If a line is marked with '***', it means I had difficulty with it.]
If you know I have something wrong, or understood something I didn't, instead of being snotty, tell me (pixbell@hotmail.com) so that I can learn. I appreciate all constructive critiscm.
Go ahead and share the translation with your friends. Be warned that this is a rough draft.
pg. 1
Gohou Drug
pg. 2-3
[color picture of two main male characters cuffed to each other]
pg. 4
[It's snowing, and we see a Christmas tree. In a city area, we see a light-haired teenaged boy crouching, covered with snow. A dark haired teenager looks on.]
pg. 5
[light-haired boy is now lying beneath the tree, shaking, as people walk around him.]
Light-haired boy: Huh...
pg. 6
Light-haired boy: (My hand is shaking. I must be cold...)
Light-haired boy: (I can't move....)
Light-haired boy: (If I stay in the snow like this, I wonder if I'll die. I'll probably...)
pg. 7
Light-haired boy: (Die.)
pg. 8
[Light-haired boy gets up on his knees, grimacing.]
Light-haired boy: No fucking way.
Light-haired boy: I absolutely won't die....
pg. 9-10 [Light-haired boy falls, back down, onto the snow. He opens his eyes, and sees the dark-haired guy who's been watching him. They look, tensely, at each other.]
pg. 11
[Light-haired boy closes his eyes; black-haired boy starts to walk away.]
Light-haired boy: I haven't... died... yet....
Light-haired boy: I... won't...
[His eyes are still closed, presumably he's sleeping. The black-haired boy looks at him again, and picks him up.]
pg. 12 [Light-haired boy drifts off in his thoughts.]
Light-haired boy: (Huh... it's like, I'm floating... but I'm not walking.
Light-haired boy: (...wait. If I'm not walking, and am being taken away, instead, that's bad.)
Light-haired boy: (It means I died, doesn't it.)
Light-haired boy: (I absolutely won't die!)
pg. 13
[Light-haired boy wakes up suddenly, fully clothed in bed, when dark-haired boy steps on him]
Light-haired boy: Uargh!
Light-haired boy: You bastard!
Light-haired boy: Watch your leg! Dark-haired boy: It's your turn to make breakfast. Hurry up.
[dark-haired boy leaves light-haired boy coughing in bed.]
pg. 14 [light-haired boy gets dressed. woohoo, fan service!]
Light-haired boy: SHIT!
Light-haired boy: Just because he wakes up easily he kicks me!
Light-haired boy: (I hate everything about him, starting with his name! Rikuou Himura. Like a Buddhist or something.)
pg. 15 [While making a breakfast of eggs and toast, light-haired boy thinks sadly of a pretty woman in a kimono. She has light long hair, but we can't see her face.]
Light-haired boy: (Well, I guess the same could be said of my own name, Kazahaya Kudou.)
Light-haired Woman [flashback]: Say... just like the name 'Kazahaya,' you may one day disappear, just like the wind.
pg. 16
[Kazahaya clenches and grimaces with determination.]
[While putting salt, Kazahaya glares at Rikuou.]
Kazahaya: (I'll put in extra salt.)
pg. 17
[Rikuou suddenly comes up behind Kazahaya.]
Rikuou: Hurry up. Or we'll be late to the store.
[Kazahaya jumps in fright.]
Kazahaya: AAHH!
Kazahaya: Don't stand behind me like a bear! Sit down!
Kazahaya: You've got a huge body, don't pop up like that!
pg. 18
Kazahaya: Finished!
[The breakfast is made; Rikuou goes to the table.]
Kazahaya: Time to eat!
[Rikuou eats and reads his newspaper.]
Kazahaya: (You *could* say at least 'thanks!')
Kazahaya: (But, yeah, if a month ago, at Christmas, he hadn't taken me in, I'd probably have died.)
pg. 19
Kazahaya: (For that, I'm grateful. Only for that.)
Kazahaya: Stop reading the newspaper while you're eating.
[Rikuou glances over at Kazahaya, and continues to read.]
Kazahaya: (He really doesn't know anything about living with others!)
Kazahaya: (Was his family not kind?)
[Rikuou smirks at Kazahaya, and goes back to reading.]
Kazahaya: (Bastard!)
pg. 20
[They go to a store called Green Drug, wearing clothing typical of store clerks. In the store is a man with light hair, glasses, and a comfortable-yet-possibly-dangerous smile.]
Kazahaya: Good morning!
Kakei: Hello.
Kakei: Did you sleep well?
Kazahaya: Perfectly!
Kakei: That's good.
pg. 21
[Kazahaya thinks of Kakei.]
Kazahaya: (He's really a beautiful person. He's the drugstore store manager.)
Kazahaya: (Yeah, the one who saved me is the jerk, but the one who gave me a place to live is Kakei.)
Kazahaya: (This jerk is like me, a homeless guy who lives at work. He acts all important and cheeky, even though he's the same age as me, 17!)
Kakei: But for a young man your age, to be sleeping so soundly alone, well, it's...
pg. 22
Kakei [picking an object from a store box and handing it to Kazahaya]: You can have this. Kazahaya: Thanks!
[It's a condom.]
Kazahaya: Wha! But! Uh!
Kakei [walking away]: Please arrange that product on the shelves.
[Though close to dying of embarrassment, Kazahaya puts it into his back pocket, anyway.]
pg. 23
Rikuou: You baby.
Kazahaya: What did you call me?!
[A man with short dark hair grabs Kazahaya from behind. He's wearing sunglasses, and smoking.]
*** Saiga: Hey you, sono hen ni shitokina.
Kazahaya: Saiga-san?!
pg. 24
Saiga: If you don't work, I'll tell Kakei to take away from your salary.
Saiga: He smiles all the time, but there's a limit to his patience, y'know.
*** Saiga: Work hard, [kasege yo] kid.
Kazahaya: (Saiga-san is always sleeping in the back part of the store. What's his relationship with Kakei I have no clue, but for the most part he just sleeps and smokes.)
Kazahaya: (Now that I think about it, I've never seen him without his sunglasses.)
pg. 25
[Saiga passes by Rikuou, who looks moodier than ever.]
Saiga: No results today, either. {literally 'kyou mo shuukaku,' or, 'no harvert today, either.'}
pg. 26
[Kazahaya notices the exchange.]
Kazahaya: (Huh?)
Rikuou: Finish arranging that.
['That' refers to, of course, the condoms.]
Rikuou: Or are you too embarrassed to touch them, you monk?
Kazahaya: SHUT UP!
Kazahaya: (He really *is* a bastard.)
pg. 27
[Two school girls, blushing happily, come up to Rikuou.]
Girl 1: Um, where could we find this lipstick with peppermint smell?
Rikuou: It's on that shelf over there.
[They walk away, hearts floating around them.]
Girl 1: Ohhhh, so cute! He talked!
*** Girl 2: [can't read kanji]
Girl 1: I'm beyond happy!
Kazahaya: (Just how is his stoic air squeal-worthy?)
pg. 28
Kakei: Kudou-kun.
Kakei: I have another job that needs to be done; will you do it?
Kazahaya: Does that mean?
Kakei: Another job in addition to this.
pg. 29
Kakei: I'll do it. I need the money.
Kakei: In that case, after you're done, come to the office along with Rikuou.
Kazahaya: (I have to work him again? Well, whatever.)
Kazahaya: (Because no matter what it takes, I've gotta stay alive. I can't nearly freeze to death like I did a month ago.)
pg. 30
[Rikuou and Kazahaya go to Kakei's office.]
Kazahaya: We're here.
[Sagai is sleeping.]
Kazahaya: (Sleeping again. With his sunglasses on, no less.)
*** Kakei: Don't mind the tuna shipment (Sagai?), come sit down.
Kakei: About my request.
Kakei: I want you to find something.
pg. 31
[Kakei hands them a grainy picture]
Kazahaya: Is it a book?
**** Kakei: It was in the mailbox of the object's original place.
Rikuou: How much time do we have?
Kakei: As soon as possible.
*** Kakei: In this case, don't receive questions from the client or the people you investigate.
Kakei: If anything goes wrong, don't give the name 'Green Drugstore.' Get the receipt for all the required expenses you come up, and you'll be reimbursed once you've found it. All right?
pg. 32
Kazahaya: Yes.
Rikuou: Fine.
Kakei: So, I'll see you later.
Saiga: Why didn't you tell the boys?
Saiga: That it's not *gone*, but it's *hidden.*
Kakei: This way is more fun.
pg. 33
[Saiga leans over Kakei from behind, and plays with his neck suggestively.]
Sagai: You're hopeless.
*** Sagai: Are you looking for a chance to make another sadist like you?
*** Kakei: You shouldn't worry, since it doesn't concern you.
Sagai: The poor boys.
*** Kakei: That's why I already did my part.
pg. 34
[Kazahaya and Rikuou are walking around the city.]
Kazahaya: (It's already been a month since we started the other job.)
Kazahaya: (When the jerk brought me to the drugstore, Kakei-san, the owner, told me if I didn't want to go back home, I could stay here.)
Kazahaya: (If I worked, he'd give me lodgings.)
*** Kazahaya: (I thought of working in that drugstore, but he said to work at another job, too.)
Kazahaya: (To look for people and things. It seems like a lot of bad substances pass through the store. When I asked Kakei-san why he's using me, he smiled.)
pg. 35
Kakei [flashback]: Because you can see things.
Kazahaya: (He said that. I didn't tell him,)
*** Kazahaya: (He knew about my power).
Kazahaya: Looking for something, huh.
Kazahaya: Hand over the photo.
*** Rikuou: Can you understand just from the photo?
*** Kazahaya: Who knows. But we have to look before we can talk.
pg. 36
[Kazahaya touches the photo, and sees a vision of a person behind leaves.]
pg. 37
[Kazahaya opens his eyes. He's fallen into Rikuou's arms.]
Rikuou: Don't flitter around.
Kazahaya [jumping away, fangs bared]: Ex-- excuse *me*!
Rikuou: Did you see anything?
Kazahaya [still irritated]: Some kind of tree, and a guy.
*** Rikuou [surprised]: It barely touched your hand, though.
pg. 38
Kazahaya: There's only so much you can see through a photo!
Rikuou: What a pathetic skill.
Kazahaya: What! Why don't YOU go look for it?!
Rikuou: Why don't we go check out the place they found this photo.
Kazahaya: (I can see things other people can't.)
Kazahaya: (As if people's anger were left behind.)
Kazahaya: (The memories of the things in people's memories can do a lot of things.)
*** Kazahaya: (Especially Can'tReadKanji ones.)
Kazahaya [looking at the address]: It's pretty close. Right in Shitakitazawa.
*** Kazahaya: (Kakei-san sensed my special skill. He might be a Can'tReadKanji.)
*** Kazahaya: (The jerk is also my Can'tReadKanji.)
pg. 39
[Kazahaya and Rikuou get to an old abandoned Japanese-style home. They ring on the doorbell, but there's no answer.]
Kazahaya: It's like a haunted house.
Kazahaya: No one's here.
*** Rikuou: Get out of the way.
[He stands in front of the door, and some ambiguous magic takes place.]
Rikuou: It's open now.
pg. 40
Kazahaya [referring to Rikuou]: (He destroys things. Well, yeah, he can do small things like breaking cups, snapping branches, and smashing locks.)
*** Kazahaya: If that were the case, he'd still be my Can'tReadKanji.)
[Kazahaya thinks of the woman with long hair.]
Woman [flashback]: Around you, Kazahaya, there's only people of your kind.
pg. 41
Woman: And they're all....
pg. 42
[Kazahaya opens the door to a garden with a tree and floating fish.]