Fruit Basket Volume 2, Chapter 10
November 26, 2001
Pikkushi Bell, aka Isabel
All rights are reserved to Natsuki Takaya, Hana to Yume, and to whomever else it belongs to. I'm just trying to spread the Fruit Basket love.
As a warning, I'm only in Level 2 of Japanese Language. I'm doing this partly to improve my Japanese, partly for fun, and partly because I want to help those who know even less than Japanese than I do. Meaning, there are mistakes, and there are some passages I didn't even try to translate. [If a line is marked with '***', it means I had difficulty with it.]
If you know I have something wrong, or understood something I didn't, instead of being snotty, tell me ( so that I can learn. I appreciate all constructive critiscm.
Go ahead and share the translation with your friends. Be warned that this is a rough draft.
Obligatory Translator's Notes:
* Momiji often talks in German, which causes various problems for me– mainly that I can't translate it because I know none of it! But because sometimes the manga provides a translation in Japanese, I'll give a translation of that. If not, I'll just write in the German.
* Jyuunishi: This refers to the members of the members of the Sohma clan that turn into the animals of the Chinese Calendar. And, of course, it includes Kyou the kitty.
* Pun Trouble: The sound of the '2' in Japanese is "ni" [which is pronounced like "knee."] When saying it, a person kinda-sorta-but-not-really smiles. In order to preserve the joke, I changed the numbers around.
* More Pun Trouble: Tohru starts asking Yuki how his kikan is. She uses two kanji for the same pronunciation-- organ and trachea. She's basically confused as to kanji to use.
pg. 67
[A black and white picture of Uo wearing a scarf, long white dress, and
with her hair whipping in the non-existent wind.]
pg. 68
Tohru: (It's a bit sudden, but, welcome to our Cultural Festival!)
Girl1: I'm so haa~~ppy! Look at how much I sold!
Girl2: We might have the best in food and drinks!
Boy1: Probably 'cause it's so easy to eat onigiri.
[In a tiny evil little square where half the text is unreadable, it
explains that Hana is telling fortunes in another booth. Of course,
they're her brand of fortune telling-- a girl asks her if she has any
chances with Yuki-kun. Hana tells her something along the lines of how
she's the absolute worst and that she should give up entirely...]
pg. 69
Boy2: The onigiri Honda-san made are delicious.
Tohru [embarrassed]: Eh?! That, oh, uh...
Girl3 [holding up cat-themed onigiri]: The cat onigiri really is cute.
Tohru: Thank you... actually, I wanted to make a mouse onigiri, too...
Uo: Oh, yuck, that's too gross, I'd never it eat.
Kyou [holding the cat-themed onigiri]: (Isn't this cannibalism?)
***Tohru [kind of sad]: ...Still, the one who's contributed most to the
class is–
YukiFangirl1 [off-screen]: Hey, you! No photos allowed!
pg. 70
[Yuki walks by, in the *most* frilly dress ever, and seriously pissed off.]
YukiFangirl1: Don't you remember that Yuki-kun didn't want any?
Boy2 [sweatdropping]: Yeah, he's just... far too cute...
Tohru: Yeah...
Boy3 [blushing]: Yuki-kun's attracting in a lot of customers...
Tohru: (That's right. He couldn't refuse the pleas of the third-year
students, so today he's wearing women's clothing.)
[We see Yuki being surrounded by females, all with teary eyes, begging
him, "Please please, pleeeease! Do it so that we seniors can have this
memory as a present!"]
***Tohru: (The news spread quickly to the other classes. Boys, girls, and
even teachers have come to see Sohma-kun in a dress. So we've sold a lot
of onigiri because of him, but,)
pg. 71
Narration [point to Yuki]: He's sitting in a chair.
[A girl brings Yuki flowers. Yuki and Tohru make eye-contact.]
Tohru: (Sohma-kun seems displeased.)
[Yuki looks away quickly.]
Tohru [worried]: (And, for some reason, I get the feeling that he's
avoiding me. At home, too...) I wonder if I've done anything to make him
Kyou: Nah, I don't think so.
Kyou: He's probably just dying of embarrassment at being dressed up like a
pg. 72
Kyou: He's got a huge hang-up over his girly face.
Uo: Really? But a lot of people really wanna look like that.
Kyou [cackling]: It's exactly what he deserves, that rotten Yuki!
Tohru [devastated]: What... what will I do?
Tohru [devastated]: Just now I was thinking to myself things like, "he's
so cute..."!
Uo: Don't worry about it, that's pretty normal.
Kyou [cackling gleefully]: Yup! No matter how you look at it, that's a
Tohru: (That would mean that Sohma-kun is now really hurt. Really, really
hurt. But he still dared to wear the dress, for everyone else.)
pg. 73
Tohru: (He's a really nice guy--)
[Something catches Tohru's and Yuki's attention.]
[The weird German kid from the previous chapter just jumped onto Yuki's
GermanKid: Yuki, you look like a girl!
Yuki: !!
Boy4: Who is that?
Tohru: Oh...!! (It's the boy who kissed me on the cheek!)
pg. 74
Kyou [surprised]: What's *he* doing here?
Tohru: What, Kyou-kun, you know him?
Voice: Momiji.
Voice: Don't go wandering off by yourself.
Momiji: Ja!
Yuki: .....!!
[The voice belongs to an older man, in his late twenties. His right eye is
covered with his bangs, but his other eye-- rather freaky looking-- is in
plain view. He wears a vest, a business shirt, and tie. He looks silent
and unfriendly.]
DarkHairedMan: Hello. You look well, Yuki, Kyou.
pg. 75
Yuki [alarmed]: Ha–
Mass of Girls: Kyaaaaaaaa~~!
[A bunch of girls surround Momiji and the DarkHairedMan. Momiji drinks up
the attention, while DarkHairedMan remains stoic.]
RandomGirl1 [blushing]: You're a friend of Yuki's?!
RandomGirl2 [blushing]: Cuuuute!
RandomGirl3 [blushing]: *So* handsome!
*** Momiji: Guten tag! I'm Momiji Sohma, half-German, half-Japanese! And
he's Hatori Sohma. We're Kyou's and Yuki's relatives.
Mass of Girls [hearts flying]: Cuuuuuute!
Tohru: Is that true?!
Kyou [mildly irritated]: ...Yeah. But what the hell is Momiji doing here?
And with *Hatori*?
pg. 76
Tohru [completely surprised]: (What a coincidence! So that's why he seemed
surprised last time. To have run into another Sohma family member like
Tohru: (So, could these two possible also be part of the jyuunishi...?
Hatori: So tell me, Yuki,
Hatori: Since when were you a girl?
[Yuki does his best not to beat Hatori up.]
Yuki [strained]: ....You've seen me naked *how* many times, and yet you
still say things like that...
[The FanGirls, however, are shocked to hear the suggestion that Yuki is a
FanGirls: Eeeeeeh?!
FanGirl1: Ah, Yuki-kun, is that... no, it can't be-- is it true?!
FanGirl2: Sohma, all this time you were--!!
*** Yuki: No.
pg. 77
[Hatori randomly pulls out a stethoscope, and puts it on, and tries to
check Yuki's heartbeat. People watch.]
Hatori: Take in a deep breath. How do you take this thing off?
Yuki: .......He's a doctor.
Yuki: There's probably nothing you could examine here.
Hatori: I'm checking because you haven't come once for your monthly
Tohru [concerned]: Sohma-kun, are you ill?
Yuki: What...? No, not at all.
Hatori: ...Yuki has weak bronchial tubes. When he was a child he used to
have fits often. He'll be healthy when he's an adult, but we have to be
Hatori: ....Are you Tohru Honda?
[Yuki takes note in the conversation.]
Tohru: Um, yes, good to meet you!
pg. 78
Hatori: I get it...
Tohru: ?
Hatori: You really are just an 'ordinary' girl.
Yuki [angry]: Hatori...
Voice: Kyaaaaaaa!
Voice: Don't sit on the counter!
[Momiji is sitting on the food counter, munching on a whole bunch of
Momiji [in German]: Was?
Kyou: What are you doing, you idiot?!
Yuki [sweatdropping]: Momiji...
Tohru: This is a problem... e-excuse me for a moment....
[Hatori and Yuki are left to talk to each other.]
Yuki: ....
Yuki: Why did you come?
Hatori: I could just say that it's because Momiji saw advertisements for
the school festival.
pg. 79
Hatori: But I'll also tell you that Akito saw the advertisements, too, and
wanted to come.
Yuki: What!
Hatori: He had a fever of 39 degrees, though, so as I a doctor I forbade
him to go. Because of that, he insisted I go in his place.
[Off-screen Hatori talks, and sounds and screams of trying to control
Momiji are heard.]
Hatori: And I came to look after Momiji.
Yuki: ...You're not looking after him at all.
*** Hatori: Hito no sukunai yuugata ni kita dake mashi darou.
Hatori: Don't worry. I'm not here because of Tohru Honda at all. I'll do
*that* only if Akito decrees it.
Hatori: But let me tell you one thing–
pg. 80
*** Hatori: Sono gakkou de sugondemo sama ni naranzo. [Even in that dress
you won't become a Mrs. (?)]
Yuki [sarcastic]: ...Thanks a lot.
[In the back part of the store-- which is closed off from everything
else--, Kyou has gotten Momiji to sit down. There's a band-aid on Momiji's
head, and he's wailing.]
Kyou [pissed]: Now you sit there and be quiet!
Momiji [crying]: Kyou hit me!
Tohru [stepping in]: Kyou-kun...
[Momiji's band-aid magically falls off. He bursts into a smile.]
Momiji: Ohhh, it's Tohru! Tohru! Are you happy? I came to see you! Where
were you?
Tohru: I've been here the whole time... so you're a member of the Sohma
Momiji [in German]: Ja!
Momiji: That last time we met, it was destined, wasn't it!
Kyou [taken aback]: ....
Kyou: You guys know each other?
Tohru: Ah.
Momiji: We met in my dad's building!
Tohru: Eh.
Momiji: 'Cuz it's my dad's building, I go play there.
pg. 81
Tohru: Ehhhhh?! Really?!
Kyou: Hey...
Tohru: I've been cleaning the building of a Sohma family member?!
Momiji [laughing]: Tohru, you silly!
Tohru: But the company name is different, and Sohma-kun, who's walked me
home from there, never said a word....
Narration: Yuki didn't know, either.
Momiji: Hey, Tohru! Tohru, you know about the jyuunishi, right?
Tohru: Yeah, I do.
Momiji: Yaaaaaay! Then I can hug you!
Kyou [grabbing Momiji]: One minute, you brat.
Momiji: But she won't mind if I transform!
*** Kyou: Think of where you are, first!
Tohru: ('I can hug you,' which must mean...!)
Tohru: (That he's one of the jyuunishi?!)
Momiji: Just 'cause Tohru's cute you think you can monopolize her?! I bet
you get to hug her every day!
pg. 82
Kyou [blushing like mad]: WHA-- Who does that–
Momiji [glomping Tohru]: Geronimo!
[From outside the back part, a loud "po--n!" is heard, and a burst of
smoke is seen. The people outside the booth notice the commotion.]
Yuki: !!
Guy1: What's that?! An explosion?
Girl1: Tohru! What happenin–
[They open the curtain to see...]
pg. 83
[A Tohru who's nearly died of a heart-attack, and the cutest bunny you
ever saw on her knee. Kyou, too, is scared to the point that he can't
RandomPerson1: What is this? A rabbit?
RandomPerson1: What happened to Momiji?
Tohru: (This is a disaster!)
RandomGirl1 [looking at the clothes on the floor]: Wait a second! Isn't
this Momiji's clothing?! This gaudy pink...
Tohru: Um, ah, er...
RandomGirl2: No way! What happened?! An explosion?!
RandomPerson3: This is all too weird! Momiji left only this clothing?
Where'd he go? ...And where did the rabbit come from?
RandomPerson4: Strange, very *very* strange.
RandomPerson5: What happened, Tohru!
[Yuki is in conflict with himself. We see him clench his hand tightly.
RandomPerson6: This is beyond weird. Say something, Honda-san!
Yuki: ....weird?
pg. 84
[Yuki goes all sparkly and pretends to be deeply, heavily self-conscious.]
Yuki: If that's weird, then, I'm.... strange...
[Everyone turns to look at Yuki.]
Yuki: I mean, a boy like me, I couldn't possibly look good like this.
[Everyone starts blushing, and hearts fly! Everyone-- including the guys--
gather around Yuki to comfort him. Yuki does his best to look sad.]
Guy1: You fool! You're the absolute best!
[Tohru runs away, taking Momiji with her.]
*** Tohru [tearfully]: (Thank you, Sohma-kun. You sacrificed yourself....!)
[The people fade away, but we can still hear them saying things like, "You
make a wonderful girl," "You're just like a girl," "If you really were a
girl, I'd..." Yuki thanks them sarcastically.]
Kyou [yelling]: You brat, do you realize what you just did?!
Hatori: You're grounded for a week.
pg. 85
[Hatori, Kyou, Tohru, and Momiji have run away to the school roof. Momiji
rests on Tohru's shoulder.]
Momiji: But, but....! Tohru, they're scaring me!
Kyou: Don't go sucking up!
Tohru: So you're the rabbit... and a male.
Hatori [stoically putting on his coat]: That was close. The only thing
that saved us was Yuki's distraction.
Kyou: That guy's hobby is tricking the other sex. I tell you, no matter
what he says, he likes that girly face of his–
[Yuki comes out of nowhere and punches Kyou sky-high!]
Yuki [darkly]: I can make you go higher...
Kyou [holding his bleeding nose]: Damned rat...!
pg. 86
Yuki: We told you to be careful, didn't we?
Hatori: Think about what you've done. For now, let's get going.
Momiji [perched on Tohru's head]: Already?! But I wanna stay and talk to
Tohru: You guys could stay a bit longer...
Hatori: You promised, "If anything happens, we'll go home at once!"
Momiji: Harii is meeean....
Kyou: Go home!
Hatori: Oh, I almost forgot... Yuki, Kyou, stand over there.
Yuki: Why?
[Yuki and Kyou stand next to each other.]
Hatori: Answer me concisely.
Hatori: What's two plus one?
pg. 87
Kyou and Yuki: Three?
[Hatori pulls out a camera and takes a picture of their rather idiotic
Hatori: Akito told me to take a picture.
[Hatori takes Momiji and starts leaving.]
Hatori: I got a good shot of the two of you. Bye.
Momiji [waving]: See ya later!
Kyou [off-screen]: Come back here! Gimme that camera!
Tohru: (I didn't end up learning very much about Hatori at all... I wonder
if he's one of the jyuunishi?)
pg. 88
Yuki: This is a disaster...
Yuki [severely depressed]: If Akito sees a picture of me like this, who
knows what he'll say...
[Yuki takes off the shirt part of his dress.]
Tohru: Kyaaaaaa! Sohma-kun! Yo-you'll catch a cold! Your organs... your
trachea! {2}
Yuki: My trachea's fine..
Yuki: I can't stand to wear this anymore!
Tohru: But it made everyone so happy...
Yuki: Calling a guy cute upsets me.
Tohru [embarrassed]: ...Forgive me. I, too, thought that you were cute.
Yuki: ....
Yuki: ...I didn't want you to see me like this. It's indecent. I'm such an
pg. 89
Yuki: I should have refused to do this.
Tohru: Um, um, but, you know, when my mom called me cute, it made me
really happy.
Tohru [smiling, remembering her mom hugging her]: She'd say she loved me,
and give me a biiiiiig hug when she said it.
[Flashback]: Kyouko: You're soo cute!
[Flashback]: Weee~~!
Tohru: It always filled me with happiness.
Tohru: (A form of affection.)
Tohru: (Mom... mom, never again...)
pg. 90
Tohru: (Will you say it, but...)
Tohru: So, in other words, I think everyone is saying that the love you.
Um! Uh,
*** Tohru [flustered]: T-this is just self-defense, I don't have anything
else to say...
Yuki: Not at all... it's funny, but what you just said made be feel better.
Yuki: So I'll continue with the favor to the third-years for a bit longer.
But before that–
Yuki [referring to the shirt that's stuck on his head]: Would you get
this? The buttons got stuck in my hair.
Tohru: Taking it off or wearing it, either way the dress is troublesome.
Yuki: I think you'd look good in it, Honda-san.
Tohru [laughing]: Hardly! But I have to say, you really look like a
pg. 91
[Tohru has both hands on Yuki's head.]
Yuki: You'd be cute.
[Tohru moves back a bit, surprised.]
Yuki: I'm sure you'd be cute in this dress.
[Yuki smiles at her coyly.]
pg. 92
[Yuki smiles embarrassedly.]
Yuki: ...Thanks.
Yuki: Let's go back to the classroom.
Tohru [freaking out]: Uwaa! (...I get it. Before you could call him
'cute,' or, 'pretty,')
*** Tohru: (Sohma-kun is first and foremost 'dashing.')
*** Tohru [freaking out]: Uwaaaaaaa..... (My heart's beating like mad from
the surprise and emotion...!)
[Back in the classroom.]
Yuki: Did you get the camera back?
Kyou: I couldn't, so shut up.
pg. 93
Yuki: By the way, Honda-san.
Tohru [still flustered]: Y-yes?!
Yuki: I wanted to warn you about Hatori. If you ever meet him again, be
careful about being left alone with him.
Tohru: Eh? Why?
Yuki: It's not that Hatori is a bad person...
Yuki: I've already told you how when I was younger some kids discovered my
true form. The one who erased their memories was Hatori.
Tohru: !
*** Yuki: Because of that, I was worried... so I wanted to tell you...
[The school PA system turns on.]
PA: Tohru-san Honda of Class 1D, Tohru-san Honda of Class 1D. Please come
as soon as possible to the first floor lounge.
pg. 94
PA: Calling once again, Tohru-san Honda of Class 1D...
Tohru: Wha, what?! Me?!
Yuki: What for...?
Tohru [nervous]: Um, off I go...
Yuki: Okay.
[Flashback] Yuki: The one who erased their memories...
*** Tohru: (I never thought that I'd get to meet the person who...)
[Awaiting Tohru in the lounge is, of course, Hatori.]
Hatori: Hello.
[Tohru freezes from shock.]
Sorry to call you here, but if Kyou and Yuki were there I couldn't speak
to you straightforwardly.
Tohru: (Yuki warned me not to be alone with him!)
Hatori [handing Tohru a piece of paper]: It's a bit sudden, but here's the
address to the Sohma housing. Come by on your next school holiday.
Tohru [surprised]: What?!
pg. 95
*** Hatori: I want to talk to you about a very important matter. Of
course, you're not to mention this to the others, and you must consent to
Hatori: Do you get what I'm saying?
Tohru: ("The one who erased their memories is Hatori, the one who erased,
erased, erased...!!")
Tohru [getting dizzy]: (What should I do?! If I refuse, he might erase my
memory right here and now! But, but, he really might be being truthful
about the discussion. Mom always told me to not be distrustful....)
Tohru [still dizzy, but determined]: I... I understand!
Hatori: Excellent. Who knows, you might even meet Akito.
Tohru [heart-attack!]: Eh?!
pg. 96
[Momiji pops out of nowhere and hugs Tohru loosely from behind.]
Momiji: Don't worry! To make sure Harii doesn't do anything perverted I'll
come chaperone! So please come, Tohru!
Hatori: You...
Momiji: Tohru is a girl, so she's probably scared to be alone with a guy.
Tohru: (When did Momiji get here...?)
Tohru: (Knowing that Momiji will be there makes me feel better.)
Tohru: (I wonder why Hatori-san so suddenly called me and decided we
needed to talk...?)