purple happiness for all your decapitating needs glare all you want, you're still a pedophiliac lively, bright, GENKI! sana-chan frigidity personified kamui, the walking funeral sensuality without shame she is the one named sailormoon out of this world dead moon lady incarnate never again shall i trust a niko suppi-chan glare of DEATH! angst has never been so beautiful tooouyaaa good ol' smart meiko long hair good no need to be so dramatic! generic anime bird! scartiest kid you'll ever meet clamp eyes at their best

Somedays Good, Somedays Bad

Monday, July 23, 2001, 10:11 p.m.

Okay, it's official now, my blog now resides over at blogger. *nikoniko* Please change your links, minna-san. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2001, 02:38 p.m.

Because I'm tired of not being able to use pictures on my blog, I'm moving over to blogger. I'm currently setting it up and getting it through all the loopholes. Everyone that's linked me, I'm going to ask you to change the address, soon. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2001, 02:38 p.m.

Because I'm tired of not being able to use pictures on my blog, I'm moving over to blogger. I'm currently setting it up and getting it through all the loopholes. Everyone that's linked me, I'm going to ask you to change the address, soon. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2001, 11:35 p.m.

*stares in awe*

*kneels and commences worshipping*

This could have easily been so crappy, but instead, it's on the other end of the spectrum. Nothing *too* impressive, it just all works so *well.*

And, yes, you must have the music playing. It's no fun otherwise. :P

Saturday, July 21, 2001, 09:52 p.m.

I've spent the last two days doodling layout ideas for this blog ('somedays red!' 'somedays vampiric!' 'somedays heartbroken!' as a few examples of themes), but everytime I try to convert it into html and pictures, it comes out so ugly. ;_; How do webmasters do it, making layouts so pretty?

Friday, July 20, 2001, 11:31 p.m.

^_________^ Yaaaay! I'm glad you like it, kate-chan.

Nope, the guy under Lum isn't mamo-chan (maaaamo-chan!), it's poor old beloved Issei. Not highly attractive, but still beloved. *kisses the top of Issei's head* (Why would I label mamo-chan as 'dead moon lady incarnate'? *sweatdrop* He's more accurately 'dead earth prince reincarnate).

Issei is from the chou-kakkoi Boku no Chikyuu o Mamotte (Please Save my Earth). I won't tell much of the story, since it's well plotted and full of suspense, but I will say that poor Issei suffers. Not in a annoying, melodramatic, 'All my life is paaAAAiiin' Yue sort of way. It's more of a melancholy pain, you move on with your life, but you'll always remember. I sympathize with him because I've been in his shoes fairly often.

Plus, he's the sort of guy I make friends with. :)

Friday, July 20, 2001, 09:43 p.m.

*stares at blog layout to make sure it doesn't disappear* It's staying there, right? It's straying, right? It better! :P If it doesn't, I'm moving my page.

I have to say, I'm really proud of it [the layout]. *niko* ^______^ *niko* I like the color blue, I like the color white against the blue, and even through the colors of the pictures aren't well picked I like them. Besides, they're easily changeable, and I will move/alter them around a lot.

But I'm especially proud of the three pink lines at the top. *niko* It looks great with the blue. And it was a complete accident!

It's a happy looking blog. :)

[to kate-chan: I'm not being heartless, I just thought it would be better to write an email. :)]

Friday, July 20, 2001, 07:27 p.m.

*doki doki doki doki*

I think it worked. I think my scheme worked. I'm also scared that at any moment the images to the right of this text will disappear. But if they don't, and if they actually stay there, then angelcities is my god.

mail me
catch a falling star

facts of life
* name isabel
* age 19
* height 4'11
* source brazil
* obsession japan
* siblings four
* sophmore at 99.9% female college
* english main, portuguese next, japanese hopeful, french pathetic
* fingers ten
* glasses affirmative

anime/manga [duh]
venting [look to the right]
debates [bite of ye head, i will!]
blurred gender [ambiguity tasy]
reading [lifelong passion]]

* buuuuu! :P
* pirates go ARRRRR!
* talking pineapples are evil
* friendly tentacle bob is invisible

* 2002 tokyo
* 2004 graduation
* 2004+ world travel, baby

blogs of good taste
headphones save lives
lagomorphic goddess
blue sprkl
green tea ice cream
carnival of bargain madness
velvet paws
apocrypha of st. heero

beloved mailing lists
:aestheticism: centered on yaoi/slash, but anything goes. good, mature discussions. a long time favorite of mine.
clamp fanfiction: what it says. too much x/tb for my tastes, but good stuff pops up now and then.
gravitation: pedophiliac authors, idiot singers, and yaoi aplenty. plenty to like, in this series.
prospect-l: i don't care for the show, but these people talk about things that apply to all fandoms. great conversations.
please save my earth: great series, few fans. won't you join us?
shoujocritters: critiqual shoujo fiction discussion. makes me happy.
yuri: for shoujo-ai lovers.

frequent visits
pokey the penguin: THE best online comic. Read it NOW.
red meat: creepy, creepy online comic
anime jump: reviews with humor
best anime: conglomerate of anime media
bad luck: media for gravitation
audio galaxy: get yours mp3s here

blog provider: pitas
image hoster: angel cities
Webring:« ? CLAMP Logs # »

Blogs from the Past
set 1: 2 April 2001 - 10 May 2001
set 2: 11 May 2001 - 13 June 2001
set 3: 14 June 2001 - 5 July 2001
set 3: 6 July 2001 - 19 July 2001