Call Me: bell


Age: 19

Website: Catch a Falling Star

Likes: warm sunny spring days, squirrels, voice mail messages, shorts and tank tops, bicycles, angel white wings, mush, yaoi, shoujo-ai.

Loves: manga, fiction, reese's peanut butter cups, creativity, laughing, computers, crew cuts, bishounen, bishoujo, angst, swimming, family, friends.

Obsession: Japan.

Miseries: personal fights, shoes, snobby people, snow in april.

Goals in Life: live in Japan, be happy, grow another two feet, talk maturely, be a child always.

Odd Random Facts:
* started talking when I was 5
* have an imaginary non-hentai tentacle friend named bob
* think lenin is waiting in his glass cage of death waiting for his prince to come
* don't really have a toenail collection but I boast about it anyway
* have one brother and two sisters, all older than me. I'm the [well-loved] brat of the family, can you tell?
* am very shy about my hobby
* doodle cute anime girls and geometric animals during classes.

Bicycle Accidents This Year:
* Falling over while waving
* Running into someone
* Crashing b/c of a steep slope and high speed
* Getting hit by car

Yummy Blogs:
technicolor sheep
Velvet Paws
Dou u shi ta no
Assasin's Lair

Blogs from the Past:
archive set 1: April 2 - May 10 2001

Blog Provider: Pitas

>Somedays Good, Somedays Bad<

Tuesday, June 12, 2001, 05:41 a.m.

Monsoons are supposed to arrive tomorrow. How exciting! I haven't seen a proper monsoon since 1996. Or at all. This city, being up in the mountains, gets weak monsoons. But weak monsoons are still stronger than droughts, which is what has been happening for the past few years.

And, best of all, with lots of rain the electrical reserves of the country should be a lot higher. Meaning, not so many blackouts. Fufufufufuuuu!

Want a plate of gyoza (Japanese equivalent of dumplings). And pad thai. Lots of chinese restaurants here, some that might not even kill a weak foreign stomach like mine with food poisoning, so maybe I can get my first wish. Not the second. That'll have to wait until September.

Did you know I'm a terrible liar? But I get away with it, sometimes.

I have all these femmenist essays I want to write on anime (one on rape in Sailor Moon SuperS, one Sana-chan's descent from a great model to a Miaka-look-alike, one on main female characters in shoujo series, and maybe one on yaoi). Just too lazy to do it. >_>

Sunday, June 10, 2001, 05:35 a.m.

Just woke up from a bad dream. Not a nightmare, per say, but a bad bad dream. Wanna forget it, but if a dream sticks in my mind this long, and I write it down (like I'm about to), then I won't be forgetting it.

I was pregnant, first off. I was nine months pregnant and my parents knew it before I did. HUH?! Think I'd notice not having my period of 9 months. Anyway. I wasn't always as large as I was supposed to be (the baby kept changing positions, so sometimes I looked the same size I do now). Then I gave birth. The cleanest birth I've ever seen! My mom was the midwife, and the place is my friend's college room. >_> My sisters were hanging around, for whatever reason. The father didn't want anything to do with me.

I never, never, EVER want to have children. For my own sake, and for theirs. If I get incredibly maternal later, I'll adopt a kid.

Friday, June 8, 2001, 07:35 p.m.

Urgh. Major, major, MAJOR blow to my ego. I was half expecting it, but it didn't make it any better. Y'see, as far back as my petty memory extends (excluding elementar school, but I excuse myself because I was changing continents and languages every couple of years), I've been a straight A student. And. Then. I. Failed. That. Damned. Math. Class.

And now I have to take the course AGAAAAAIN!!!! *cries* I can't face the professor, I just can't. But I can't take any science/math classes before I pass this, hence, I can't graduate. I failed the course because I couldn't CARE (I know averages. I know exponential equations. I know percents). And now I'm going to care even LESS.

Why can't I take courses in subjects that I love? Let me rub my nose in oriental studies, let me read my fiction, let me write hundreds of pages of essays, I'll even take a calculus class, I just don't understand why I have to take a course in basics of math?

*sighs* I'm having such a mental block with this. I don't know how to deal with it. I can't admit to myself that I failed something as basic as this, and that I can't do it again, and then I mess up on the test.

Seriously considering transfering. >_< And I LOVE my college. Love the green trees and the squirrels and my friends and my japanese department and campus and the anti-aesthetic science building and and and and and....

Need serious distraction.

Thursday, June 7, 2001, 11:45 a.m.

*tries to imagine Sonomi's reaction to Bob*

Sonomi: AAAAAAAAAAH! Monster, monster, MONSTER! *starts bashing poor Bob with a chair*

Tomoyo: No, mom! Bob is a GOOD tentacle!

*Sonomi continues to bash Bob*

Sakura: *sniffling* But... but... Bob is so... cute! Don't hurt him!

Sonomi: *stops* That's just like Nadeshiko... she'd be nice to the ickiest, slimiest worms. Okay, Bob, let's get you out of the rain. Would you like some cake?

Sakura: ^_____^

Tomoyo: ...........

Janaki-san, that was soooo kakkoi! *beams with pleasure* I'm always happy when Bob has more friends. And you have a unique distinct writing style. So me much enjoyed the little ficcy. If you weren't usually so stick-in-the-mud-y about releasing your work, I'd recomend you post it to a fic ml.

So let's see, this fulfills my request for more cute girls, tentacles, and I guess there's a bit of violence, too. And maybe the thunder counts as special effects... so, Janaki-san, you're closer than ever to making your blog like Hollywood. I'm proud of you, girl, real proud.

Now I want to write my own little humor piece. Where hast my damned muses run off to? >_>

Thursday, June 7, 2001, 11:37 a.m.

For no good reason (actually, I want to remember these, so that's a good reason), I shall recite the information given to me by two fortune cookies I received one night. Don't forget the rule to add the phrase "in bed" at the end.

#1: "You will use your skills for something you did not expect."

#2: "Remember that you are always on our minds."

o_O;;; Who, exactly, is 'our' referring to in the second fortune? Creepy, creepy, creepy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2001, 10:37 p.m.

Ah, ah, ah! Sana-chan snapped! I love kodocha, it's all so young and silly, but it makes me cry. *shiku, shiku* And Hayama chased after her~~~~. True, she slapped him, but when I saw him running I was all happy. "yaaay, hayama still cares! XD" I'm a cynic, really! I swear to god. Extreme pessemist. Don't want to have children b/c I think they'd be miserable in this world. Think the current economic system is creating its own deathbed. And other happy fun fun thoughts run in my head at night. Want humanity to die out because, frankly, we all suck and we should leave the poor planet alone. But anime makes me warm and mushy.

Might explain my preference for young shoujo series. ^_^;;;

(reflections after ep. 63).

Wednesday, June 6, 2001, 02:41 p.m.

After watching the last two ccs eps, I must make a comment or two.

One, Syaoran should be happy Touya was unconscious when he made his confession. If he had said that while Touya at least mildly awake, oh boy, Syaoran would not be able to count on walking for another two years.

Two, the fact that we randomly see Yue and Touya flying/running to the center of action implies intimacy between them. Why would they be together? In the manga, it makes more sense, since we see Touya hanging out with Yukito, and then Yukito changing into Yue. Which makes more sense. But I'm not complaining, I like intimacy between Yue and Touya. ^______^

Three, I really do dislike the anime in comparison to the manga.

Four, if that had been all the closure to the series, I would have hurt the creators. They should be ecstatic that they decided to make the 2nd movie. And that STILL wasn't enough closure (the whole series was NOT based on Sakura/Syaoran, so why should the ending be about that only?).

Four: Um, yeah. Support Kaho and Eriol and all, but Eriol looked so YOUNG. Scary.

Five: What's up with Tomoyo's diminishing role in the series?

Six: Drunk Suppi is very, very cute.

Comment or two became six. Shut up.

Showed i-oneechan the Illusion ep. When I asked her what she thought afterwards, "that was the cheesiest thing ever!" >_> I prefer the term 'unbearably cute.' But I don't think she's adverse to seeing more, so I'll have to pick another good ep. Tempted to show her Cinderella Touya. XD

And why is Eriol's hat so wrong? Because anything that could be used to keep balance while walking on narrow surfaces shouldn't be worn on the head. Admitedly, I have been known to carry boxes and bunched up sheets on my head, but it was purely for the amusement factor. Eriol wears the hat seriously. And he's too cool to do that. It's like Nakago changing his armor at the end of the Fushigi Yuugi series, Endymion's cerial bowls on his shoulders, and Clef's head horn. They're all bad things that happened to good anime males.

Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 01:44 p.m.

Y'know, I liked Clow before. He was cool. Eccentric and everything. But I didn't understand before the True Goodness of Clow. But now I do (after watching ep. 68). He's calm, odd, understanding, and so fatherly. Hm, in the anime, he's more like Fujitaka (domestic) than like Eriol (mischievious). But he isn't related to Fujitaka in the anime. Weird.

...Speaking of which, methinks the notion that Clow was always up to no good, that naughtly overgrown boy, must be yet another rampant rumor spread by fandom. Because there isn't much evidence of him being like that. Except for the piece about him using The Bubbles on Kerberos. >_> (now we understand its existence). Of course, it's a lot more FUN to depict him that way, but it's innacurate.

Oh, and Eriol is funky fun, too. But the hat. No no no no. It has to go, sweety pie. Not even you can pull it off. No one can, don't feel bad about it. Just take that hat off and burn it, at once. It'll be okay.

*scoff* No, of course I wasn't watching CCS at 3am today. Of course not!

Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 02:43 a.m.

Janaki-san, I really wouldn't reveal too much personal information on these things, either. 'Tis not a good idea. Especially not when you know that people came to your page looking for "hentai tentacles." >_> (All because of my poor friendly tentacle monster, Bob. He's a joke, people. Please don't try to sexualize my deliberate non-sexualization of a sexual symbol). I was just teasing you a bit. :) f-chan, how was I supposed to know it's your birthday if you don't warn me? :P It's three days late, and I can't give you a present (if I could, it'd be some funky corsette thing). At any rate, happy belated birtday to my freaky (erm, is 'unique' a better term?) red head friend. Or future birthday. Because then I'd be ahead of schedule. :D

Sunday, June 3, 2001, 10:48 p.m.

Janaki-san, you do know that your latest entry makes little sense? *looks at own blog* Of course, I can't complain, since I'm the Royal Queen of Pointless Ranting, but I thought I might say so. ^_^

I'm too lazy to write a full-blown email, so I'll just tell/ask you quickly here. You asked me a while ago how I knew what sort of searches people were using to find my page; it's extreme tracking. It tracks number of visitors per hours, months, days, etc, tells you what contry the people are from, and how they found your site. It's nice and convinient. I like knowing who's looking at my page.

Also, I wanted to ask for the address of the SMML. I was thinking of joining. I miss my Sailormoon (yes, she's MINE, shut up already XD), and I'd like to be part of an mailing list that isn't controlled by ten year olds.

Mixx is doing a surprisingly good job with Clover. Might actually buy one of the graphic novels, if only to finally reveal to my friends the wonder that is Clamp (they're too lazy to read my manga. They'd rather watch Slayers, Trigun, and Berserk anime! Even Marmelade Boy has been watched in favor of Tokyo Babylon. That's insulting).

Saturday, June 2, 2001, 05:06 a.m.

"se correr o bixo pega
se ficar o bixo come
o que eu sou e homem
o que eu sou e homem
menino eu sou e homem
(e commo sou)"

(fellow Portuguese speakers, forgive me if my spelling if off. I haven't had a class in Portuguese since I was in second grade).

Download this if you can, it's available over at audio galaxy. The name is 'Homem com H" by Ney Matagrosso. What a fun, fun, fun, song! The title means "Man with M." The translation of the piece above is something like this:

"if you run the animals will catch you/ if you stay the animals will eat you/ what I am is a man/ what I am is a man/ Boy, I'm a man/ And what a man."

No, someone isn't in doubt of his manliness. XD

Friday, June 1, 2001, 02:23 a.m.

*cries tears of happiness*

My wishes have come true! A Xenogears Prequel! I hope the story is as outstanding as the original. *beams* Now I have inspiration to work on reading Perfect Works (which is a hard fucker to understand).

Yatta! Yatta!

Thursday, May 31, 2001, 10:21 p.m.

"Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have the recipe again,
Ohhh nooooo...."

'McArthur's Park' by Richard Harris. I love sixities' singers on crack. At one point during the song he says that the park is melting. XD XD What was he smoking, and where can I get some?

Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 08:55 a.m.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you a poem I love, called Time:

Meeting with Time, "Slack thing," said I,
"Thy scythe is dull; whet it for shame."
"No marvel, sir," he did reply,
If it at length it deserve some blame;
But where one man would have me grind it,
Twenty for one too sharp do find it.

"Perhas some such of old did pass
Who above all things loved this life;
To whom thy scythe a hatchet was
Which now is but a pruning knife.
Christ's coming hath made man thy debtor,
Since by thy cutting he grows better.

"And in his blessing thou art blessed,
For where thou only wert before
An executioner at best,
Thou art a gardener now, and more,
An usher to convey our souls
Beyond the utmost stars and poles.

"And this is that makes life so long,
While it detains us from our God.
Ev'n pleasures here increase the wrong,
And length o fdays lengthens the rod.
Who wants the place where God doth dwell
Partakes already half of hell.

"Of what strange length must that needs be,
Which ev'n eternity excludes!"
Thus far Time heard me patiently,
Then chafing said, "This man deludes:"
What do I here before his door?
He doth no crave less time, but more."

So why do I like this poem so much? I disagree with the Christianity bit, of course, which is the point of the essay, but... it's so well written! It haunted me when I first read it. "thy scythe is dull," "he doth not crave less time, but more." Understanding it was a puzzle worth figuring out.

Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 07:42 a.m.

Got back! At home, where I shall be pampered. :D Two months of being taken care of; not needing to make ends meet, not needing to check my keys all the time, my laundy free... yeessss! XD

Haven't slept in 32 hours. :D

For the first time, I've felt affection for this place. Usually, when I land, I feel a mixture of anger and misery. But since I no longer have to live here, it's a vacation, not a chore.

Time does a marvelous job of erasing negative emotions. Ooooh, speaking of time, I have access to a super-kakkoi poem! I love it, but all I remembered it was that it was called 'Time.' Which is sooo helpful. Later I'll put the poem up here. It's one of three poems that I enjoy.

Blabber, blabber, blabber. Do I make sense? Do I care? *sighs* Two months.... what to do in these two months? Films? Translations? Anime? And before you ask, friends aren't an option. They all MOVED, the bastards, leaving me behind. >_<

In all the airports, including the dinky one here, now have internet access. The internet is taking over, prepare to be assimilated! *evil laughter*

Speaking of mind assimilation, I spent the last week in a hotel. Meaning cable access. I haven't really watched US Cable tv since middle school. And what mass brainwashing it is! It was evil. I won't go into detail, since this isn't a forum for my ranting about the current evils in the goverment and current economic system. But know that I nearly cried. People watch this every day? And they don't know better?

This is the mental hernia of two weeks from my lack of proper internet access. XD

Well, I will have to work on my website... I want to get an update up in the next day or two. Which means it can't be a translation... image section, perhaps? Got easy access to scanner. Oh, well. After 16 hours of sleep I'll figure something out. But I must change this situation! And I'll write something more coherent in the blog, explaining the past couple of weeks.

But, yeah, it's good, GOOD, GOOD to be home.

Sunday, May 27, 2001, 05:05 p.m.


Gonna be in a plane for the next two days. Not counting all the time in the airports.

This is gonna be fuuun, I can tell. >_<

But luckily, my family is all alive and well. :D

Saturday, May 26, 2001, 01:27 p.m.

will not kill my family, will not kill my family, will not kill my family, will not kill my family, will not kill, not, not, not, not.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 08:43 a.m.

(In case you're wondering why I have so many entries written at the same time, it's because this is the first time I've had a chance to write here, so I'm getting down what I wanted to for the past couple of days). If anyone is waiting for me to get in touch with them, or to do something about my site, wait a bit longer, please! :D I'm going to have sporadic access to the internet over the next week or so. I'm bouncing all over the place. ^_^

Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 08:40 a.m.

I think I understand now why being with b-b-oneechan can be so unsettling for me. It's because I feel obliged to imitate her. Not quite sure where the feeling comes from, but that's how it is. And because I don't want to be like her, I feel guilty for being me. Which is silly. Not everyone can be as active as her. We need people like me, to do learn about other cultures and have their heads in the clouds.

It really is a good thing that I refused to go to the same university as her. I stubbornly want to be my own self. ^_^

Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 08:37 a.m.

When I turned in my Russian essay, the last finals bit, I got the oddest feeling. It was now summer vacation. I wasn't expecting that! It's the first time in my life that I haven't been anticipating summer vacation all along. This time, I was more concerned about finals, and I wanted those over with. But my mind seems to have thought that things would go as normal afterwards, I'd still be living in my dorm, I'd go back to classes, and so forth.

And now I have three months of vacation. *shakes head*

Monday, May 21, 2001, 10:19 a.m.

I'm tiiiiiiired....

Basically done with finals. Have to revise my Russian paper one last time, print it out, and then turn it in. Then it's time to pack. >_> Which is always a joy.

But that's not why I'm so tired... my sister b-b-chan came to visit. She's wonderful and I adore her, but looking after people can be exhausting. Plus, she's good at running my guilt trip. She's so active and intelligent, I feel guilty for not being more like her. Which is silly, because I respect my decision to go full force with Japanese. But when I talk to her, it seems so little in comparission to what she does.

And my computer has been packed. So that means I won't be able to do anything. With my website, I mean. I think the next time I'll really be able to tinker with my website is a few days after I get home, which won't be until June.

On the bright side, finals are done. XD

Friday, May 18, 2001, 06:47 p.m.

*single woman congo dance line time!* Yes, yes, YEEEES! XD Finished today's alloted number of pages. Should work five hour shifts more often, it does wonders for my papers.

Friday, May 18, 2001, 05:25 p.m.

It's at times like these that I really wished I had the eye-beams that Dejiko has.

Thursday, May 17, 2001, 08:16 p.m.

.............Someone found my blog by doing a search on "Cute Innocent Girls." o_O;;;; All because of my page header. Argh, argh, argh.... what sort of a search is that?!

Thursday, May 17, 2001, 06:20 p.m.

Buuuuuuuu. :P Everyone is leaving. >_< Yeah, I know, finals are ending, people want to go home, and whatnot. But I love my friends here. I want them to staaaay. It'll be so odd to wake up in the morning, and not have to go the cafteria, and wait for t-chan to come collect me for Japanese class. I'm not going to run into g-san in random parts of the college and make weird animal sounds as we pass each other by. Little pieces of my schedule that will never happen. Random people I see maybe once a week, I'll miss them too.

My own sister! My own sister is going to be leaving the continent. Graduating and going into the next phase of her life. And the other one, she's not graduating yet, but she'll be on another continent, too.

And then I'm going home, too. I'll be spending three months doing nothing but sharpening my Japanese skills (more translations, here I come!), reading five books a week, and using the internet a couple of hours a day. I'll be with part of my family (the part that hasn't been scattered to the winds yet >_<), which I'll be happy and thrilled to do... and then that will end, and I'll have to leave them again.

Life is just one succesive chain of hellos and goodbyes. :P

Thursday, May 17, 2001, 06:05 p.m.

A little bit of philosophizing from me today (yes, procastination. And this time it's not from philosophy class-- I'll never have to write another paper for that! -- but from Russian Film. I'm enjoying the paper, but it's hard to shape).

Violence. Sometimes it bothers me how much I enjoy (shoujo) animated violence. Blood that flows as easily as tears, swords that rip through flesh like paper, and bodies slamming against hard surfaces. And not just violence-- misery. I want the characters to suffer, emotionally. I want their hearts ripped out, their worlds to fall apart, I want them to be lost and confused.

At the same time, I expect these characters to rise out of their pain like a phoenix out of the fire. I want their eyes to burn with anger and revenge, to become stronger, and kick some ass.

But when in real life, I cannot stand the thought of others being in pain. I wince at stories of paper cuts, I plug my ears at anything more harmful than a bruise. I go to extremes to protect people's feelings, and I comfort them when they're hurt.

We should all be happy.

Thursday, May 17, 2001, 01:10 p.m.

I'm declaring "Slave of Love" by Mikhalkov (sp?) to be my favorite film. Watch it if you can.

Thursday, May 17, 2001, 01:03 p.m.

*looks outside window, where it's dark and gloomy*

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... :P

Wednesday, May 16, 2001, 07:24 a.m.

I'll have you know that if it were anybody else, I'd have gone insane by now. Or applied for a psych single. Or kicked her back into her own room. Whatever the recourse I'd have taken, I wouldn't have put up with it for long.

But it's not anyone else, it's g-san. *grin*

Things lay all over the floor. The mess spreads into my bedroom. She stays up late, and she makes little weird noises when she sleeps. I'm much more reserved and secretive, while she's open and obvious.

But because she's my friend, I'm enjoying myself. She makes me go ^________^ *niko *niko*. The noises are cute, and the mess is making me less anal. Had it been my old roomate, I'd have been miserable.

Last night, when I couldn't sleep, I kept babbling to her. It feels so much better to have a roomate who actually likes you! ^_^

Tuesday, May 15, 2001, 05:08 p.m.

Finished the Japanese exam (super-duper early, as per norm with myself). As I walked out of the room, I had an odd sort of revelation: I don't ever have to look at Japanese again. I could burn all my books, cancel my year abroad to Japan, make new friends, sign up for new courses.

*laughs* It's not happening, of course! My soul was sold long ago.

Monday, May 14, 2001, 12:42 a.m.

Okay, anime analysis time! *rubs hands happily*

First on the list: Ah! Megami-sama! Movie. Bleh. What was that? I know movies often take on a more serious tone, but I honestly don't think this series needed it. It was mostly done for fan service (young naked Belldandy hugging older naked Belldandy, anyone?), Morgan (who, in human form, was admitedly very attractive), and such. Note to self: the more elegant the clothing, the more ass the wearer shall kick.

Do guys really go for passive women that much? Belldandy spent most of the movie either unconcious, with lost memory, crying, being despodent, or watching other people do things. The girls that really took action -- Peoreth, Urd, and Skuld-- were obviously inferior. Why, I don't know. Maybe they should invest more time in the kitchen. :P

After Belldandy and Keichi (btw, what the hell was up with that spiky hair?) walked through the gate, all I could think of was, "fertility!" Yay, the two prime members of the species may mate now.

Judging from the reaction, the audience's favorite moment was halfway through the movie, in the fight with Celestine in that mall place. When Skuld (and her spirit) made a face at Celestine, "it's all your fault!" and bashed him into the screen, the whole room burst into applause. Guys might go for a passive females, but women prefer it when we kick butt. ^_^ Yaaay!

Next, Weiss Kreuz OAVs. *chuckles* Was that supposed to be angst? Because I was laughing through the whole thing. And so was the rest of the audience (admitedly I was doing it more than anyone else, but whatever).

Where to start? They were laughing/angry at the US bashing. Well, yeah, but don't all the movies here love to pin point blame at other countries in their films (and other area, too)? Like Russia, Cuba, etc. Take a foreign country, and presto! instant enemy material. :P This applies for all countries, btw. It's sad. >_>

No one took the cars seriously. And certainly not that mini-van-buggy Omi and Ken were riding.

The big fight scene between the Weiss Kreuz members (which I thought was obviously fake).... wasn't that just one big rape scene? <_< The whole two episodes was rather sexualized... for example, when we first see Akira, and he shoots. The way the gun is drawn shooting-- erm, yeah, you can tell what my gutter-brain is thinking. And during the big orgy-- er, fight scene that is-- when Omi is in Youji's web thingy, he's spread eagle. And gets to be stabbed by Aya. Yeah.

Speaking of Aya, he was cute. If they had put him on screen more often, I wouldn't be complaning as much now. Sad as that is. >_<

Oh, more defenseless girls in here. If these girls were such good hackers, why were they such idiots. Oh well.

And, finally, the Dectective Conan Movie-- 14th Target! This was cute and fun. Ran was surprisingly wimpy here, but I forgive her, because I've seen her give some good action before.

There was also plenty of Digi Charat, which I love, but I've already scene it, so I don't have that many comments to make on it. My friends, however, who were seeing it for the first time, were plenty traumatized. They couldn't deal with the sheer randomness of it. ^_^

Sunday, May 13, 2001, 05:04 p.m.

Raphael sleeps perched on a clothes line, like a bird. o_O;;;; That is soooo wrong for a bishounen! >_> But it was funny. Heh heh. Angels sleeping on lines.

But it's odd, because we've seen Raphael in bed in at least two distinct occasions (both times with Mikael ;)). Maybe he likes to alter sleeping habbits?

*sigh* Yes, I'm rationalizing Tenshi ni Narumon. And no, I'm not working on my philosophy paper. :P Only two paragraphs left! Only two! .....

Sunday, May 13, 2001, 02:03 p.m.

Today the anime club is showing the best stuff! Detective Conan, Ah! Megami-sama Movie, and best best best best yet, Digi Charat! XD Yokatta-nyo!

And I've got most of my philosophy paper done. I wish it'd make sense, though. >_>

Saturday, May 12, 2001, 07:40 p.m.

Just read Janaki-chan's blog. Wai, wai! Congrats on the show! :D I'm sure you're being more nervous and paranoid than you should be. I remember a few months ago you were certain that it wouldn't even happen. *takes out pom poms* Wai, wai, wai~~~ And I think the karekano idea was cute. ^_^

Saturday, May 12, 2001, 07:27 p.m.

This is the daaawning of the Age of Aquarius, Age of Aquariuuuuss.... A~Qua~Ri~uuuusss....

*cough* *cough* Anyway.

Age of Aquarius aside, plain jane day today. I'm working right now, but not. Very few people want to come to the library on a Saturday night. I do not blame them. Neither do I. :P But it's good, fast, work hours! ^_^

In very exciting news, it just rained. It smells all wet outside. I love spring! It's the only time you can say weird things like, "it smells green," and "I feel the insects coming." Not that I want the insects to come, but I do so like sounding as if I walked out of a B movie science fiction film.

Hmmmm.... pad thai craving....

Saturday, May 12, 2001, 11:18 a.m.

Douglas Adams died. One of my favorite authors, dead.

No, of course I didn't know him personally. I was lucky enough to hear him once at a lecture. His family must be suffering much more than I. But still, I'm horrendously saddened.

Saturday, May 12, 2001, 10:09 a.m.

A show as brightly colored as Gravitation can have angst? *laughs* Wanna.... see..... more! It's so cute! ^_^ Shuichi is close to suffering from the Miaka syndrome, but he gets away with it. Especially b/c he's got Yuki at his side. Yuuuuki..... ^_________^

(btw, my page came back. geocities was probably having a problem or two. damn 'em).

Friday, May 11, 2001, 11:55 a.m.


Where is my page?

I can't even list a new address site! Geocities isn't letting me log in. >_> Does anyone know if Geocities is having a bad hair day?

*whines* My siiiiiiiiite.....

Thursday, May 10, 2001, 04:49 p.m.

Figured out the problem! Geocities is a bitch that won't let their pictures be used by addresses that aren't geocities. Actually, I think that's just fine, just wish I knew. But now I do. And now the picture is up.~ And! And! Oooh! Oooh! Learth has more translation scans of Tokyo Babylon! I have the manga myself, but my babies are tens of thousands of miles away, so I make do with this.

And chance of more Trigun silliness tonight. ~

*blink* Philosophy final? What are you babbling about?

Thursday, May 10, 2001, 04:39 p.m.

Courtesy of Andrea Doolan, a bit (the best one!) of the Clamp interview in CCS Memorial book was translated (I'd translate it myself, but it's faaaar to hard for me):

"[picture of Touya and Yukito from manga with Touya saying "I don't want you o go."] When Yue was losing his magic power, the existence of his temporary form, Yukito was also at risk. Is was then that Touya confessed to Yukito, "I don't want you to go." However, Yukito still didn't understand the true meaning behind these words. This led both to Yue and Yukito into a more desperate state.

[Picture of Yue hugging Touya; Touya giving his energy to Yue] By and by he loses his magic power, and Yue, together with Yukito was about to disappear. Until then, Yue didn't face Touya because he didn't want him to know that he wasn't human. However, with Touya's words, "you don't have to hide it," the figure of Yue finally began to emerge. To save Yue and Yukito, Touya gives him his innate power.

[Special comment by Ookawa Nanase] Basically, for some of the works in CLAMP, we make sub-themes like "what we really want to draw" in our work, as well as setting main themes, which becomes apparent. In terms of "Sakura" [meaning CCS] I'm not sure if this is the right expression, but we were discussing from the beginning that it should be a story "that is pleasant for the minority." For example, one might think that Tomoyo's feelings towards Sakura is, in a sense, "abnormal (dangerous)." Also, in relation to Yukito and Touya -- some readers might think it is friendship, or they might acknowledge a deeper feeling underlying it. Or consider Syaoran being attracted to Yukito and Rika-chan's feelings. We thought it was important how we draw those feelings.

As I mentioned earlier the structure is that the main character spells out the main theme in "Sakura." Therefore, for example, look at how Sakura-chan acts. Even when Sakura-chan knows that Syaoran likes Yukito, she doesn't see it with prejudice. She might have thought he was a rival, but she didn't consider the fact as strange. Also, consider the fact that Syaoran is a transfer student from abroad. Sakura treats Syaoran just as she would to a boy coming from a neighbouring town. Although she might compliment him in by saying "how brave" for living on his own as an elementary school pupil, she wouldn't have any weird prejudice about that. The same is true for Sakura herself, not having a mother. I wanted the main character to be a gentle (open-minded) person toward those outside of what is usually considered the normal family structure or a normal love relationship -- thus the story was made.

I thought it would be difficult for the young readers to underhand these kinds of things; but by watching Sakura-chan, I hoped that they would feel something. I would be happy if they naturally learn how one should feel for children who have only one parent or how to get along with students form abroad by watching Sakura."

........I knew there was a reason I loved Clamp. XD My faith hath been revived!

Thursday, May 10, 2001, 04:22 p.m.

S-chan kicks so much serious butt! XD XD She took me sailing! And I thought I was gonna get knocked over! XD XD But it was fuuuuuuuuuuun! XD XD And half the time were working on keeping the Bastard (she called it a Boom, but the meaning is the same), this piece of metal that flew around with the wind, from knocking our heads off. 'Cause, y'know, that would've kinda sucked. Kinda.

Thursday, May 10, 2001, 02:16 p.m.

"Love and Peace! Love and Peace!"

Vash, you crack whore.

Thursday, May 10, 2001, 02:07 p.m.


I had a nice little picture to go along with the new color scheme, but for some reason, it's being rejected. After hitting my head against the wall, I'll give the subject a break. I'll try again later. ^_^